Sunday, May 31, 2015

DIY Skateboarding Spot: My Driveway

Cement coping was poured using a piece of PVC cut in half for the front of the form, and chicken wire and rocks-poured quickcrete in the form, and I remembered to put some spray oil on the PVC, which made the removal easy.  #3ft. tall and fun for frontside grinds!

The little cement quarter-pipe kinda reminds me of the DIY barriers, but not quite as steep.  Fun and challenging to skate, and it only cost me about $5 in block, and $15 in quickcrete, so it is a pretty cheap little DIY project, and really fun to maintenance required.
and here is another shot of it from a different angle:

Link to DIY concrete skate spots:

Link to information on creating a local skate scene:

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